Meet Our People | Frederick Stepanian – Lover of Music and Mechanics

Meet Frederick, Mechanical Design Engineer at iFactor. Frederick loves all things music, mechanics, and learning and growing in his position. Read on to learn more about Frederick!

How did you decide to have a career in the AEC industry?
I had a decent interest in fluid mechanics and heat transfer in university. Then I decided to stay in this industry after finishing up my second internship here at iFactor.

What is your favorite part of your job?
I like how there’s always more to learn with each project. It gives you a real sense of gradual progression over time. I sometimes look back to when I first started interning here and it feels good to see how far along I’ve come since then.

If you could professionally be anything else outside of the AEC industry, what would you be?
Probably something to do with music. Like making music or being an audio engineer.

What is your favorite go-to meal?
Sushi, but also Chipotle because it is the most bang for your buck.

What is your favorite project you’ve worked on, and why?
The several different SDG&E Mission Control Center projects I helped on. The scale of these projects was much bigger than I was used to at the time, so it shed a clearer light on the design process that’s behind more critical projects. Plus, going out to survey the control center was really interesting.

What is the greatest work of engineering genius?
The James Webb Space Telescope.

If you had one superpower, what would it be?
Teleportation. It would make daily life commuting and traveling so simple.

How would you describe your job to a 3rd grader?
I draw blueprints for the air conditioning in big buildings.

What do you like to do in your spare time?
Play videogames, go on hikes, listen to music, and love bomb my cat.

When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be an astrophysicist. I watched too many documentaries about space when I was growing up and I thought it was the coolest thing ever when the physicists would talk about things that went way over my head.

What’s your favorite place you’ve ever traveled?
I haven’t traveled much to be honest, but I’m going to have to pick New York as my fav. It was my first trip with a group of friends, and it was really fun exploring the big city together.

What’s something that most people don’t know about you?
I LOVE to dance, even though I barely know how to.

What is your favorite book? Movie/TV show?
Favorite movie: Toy Story 2; Favorite TV show: The Sopranos; Favorite videogame: Portal 2; Favorite Album: Space Heavy by King Krule